Thursday, October 28, 2010


In everyday life, the first step to a conversation is a greeting.(Remember, When adding an exclamation point, have an upside down one in the front of the sentence!

Hello - !Hola!(pronounced O-la)
Good morning - !Buenos Diez!
Good afternoon - !Buenas tardes!
Good afternoon - !buenas noches!

-for the more formal/respectful greetings, see below-

(Remember, when asking a question in spanish, have two question marks, similar to how exclamation points are)

How are you? - ?Que tal?
How are you? - ?Como va?
How are you? - ?Como esta?


Very well, thank you. - Mui bien, gracias.
Alright (good and bad). - Mas o menos.
Terrible - Terrible (Ter E Ble)
And you? - Y tu?

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